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Thoughts for my loved ones, near and far

Honeysuckle days are upon us. Those sweet days after winter, before the mosquitoes invade the south and the air feels like a wet down comforter. Evening walks with my children filled with the delicate perfume of honeysuckle and once chubby hands thrusting a curated flower towards me to try its nectar. Sweet moments that I will cherish. Talks that challenge and fill my cup. Our honeysuckle walks and talks are a treasure, varied and intimate.

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Our Daughter

An angelic young lady stood on the stage and captured my gaze. Her beauty grows every time I see her, and yet this evening, she took my...

Refined to Become Pure

In January of 2023, the word “joy” rested on my spirit, and while I am not one to make New Year’s resolutions, or claim a word for the...

A Plea for the Author You Love

I took a writing class a few years ago, in person, with seasoned writers and stay at home moms wanting to chronicle milestones for their...

Why We Sing

I had written the following as a prompt for my church's advent devotional last year. It was to be short and sweet, and for my verbose...

Perception of Pain

I had six Tarlov cysts treated in my sacral spine two weeks ago that had caused me fearful symptoms for a decade. I say that they were...

Another Silent Night

I have become an expert in loneliness, in solitude, in finding ways to do the job of many; maybe not all done expertly. Caroline, SME of...

The Wonder of Beauty

After a lifetime of leaning on my masculine abilities to power through and lead, even when I did not want to, in order to survive, I have...

Numbers and Their Lies of Omission

“We need the Profit and Loss statement to tell a story that we want the bank to know.” This statement was from a former employer who...

My Death Bed

~After breaking up with someone whom I had dearly loved, it felt like a death, as is the natural progress of grief. I thought...someday I...

Yeager's Last Bath

His back end bows to the right as he attempts to stand and look up at me. My dear companion of these past nine years. Nine years we have...

Daddy Issues

When an investment firm has aging clientele, death becomes inevitable. The accounts that once held their assets are disbursed to their...

My Watered Floors

I took a damp towel and wiped the stains of six years of tears on the wood floor in my closet and my gut lurched as the sweet stains of...

Resurrection Day

Some will believe and some will be offended, by the Gospel of Christ. It is viewed as foolishness by the narrowly educated to believe...

Boundless Love

Man says that your Word is no longer valid, that it has aged beyond its usefulness. They scorn its reproach as antiquated, a scheme...

Tulip Reconciliation

This past Autumn, I had planted a plethora of bulbs; tulips, daffodils, and a few others that I have since forgotten their identity. I...

Resilient Hope

Hope fights gallantly on the front lines, afraid of no foe. He wields his sword without fear of blood loss or defeat, because he knows...

Our Hearts in the Sands of Afghanistan

After your dad deployed to Afghanistan, you two and pink doggy, were my constant companions. Routine was necessary to our survival. I was...

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